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Water Testing for Uranium in Your CT Drinking Water

Water Testing for Uranium in Your CT Drinking WaterCT water testing for uranium in drinking water, especially if you get water from a ground well in Stamford, there is a chance you have uranium in it.  The Stamford Department of Health has collected samples of water from 60 underground wells and found 42 had uranium in the water. Nearly 1 out of 4 of the tested wells had unhealthy levels of uranium.

How Does Uranium get into CT Drinking Water?

Uranium gets into drinking water sources when groundwater dissolves minerals that contain uranium. Elevated levels of uranium are more likely to be found in deeper drilled wells, rather than in dug wells or surface water supplies. The amount of uranium in wells varies throughout Canada depending on the concentration of uranium in the bedrock. Wells most likely to have elevated levels of uranium are those in areas with granite or alkaline sandstone and shale bedrock.

What are the effects of Uranium in my Connecticut Drinking Water?

Your kidneys are the most susceptible to the effects of uranium, especially your children’s kidneys. Most uranium from drinking water is eliminated from the body. However, a small amount is absorbed and carried through the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the uranium compounds are filtered by the kidneys, where they can cause damage to the kidney cells. It can also lead to increased cancer risk, liver damage, or both. Long term chronic intakes of uranium isotopes in food, water, or air can lead to internal irradiation and/or chemical toxicity. The potential health effects from uranium in Connecticut drinking water come from its heavy metal characteristics and not its radioactivity, which is very low. Bathing or showering with water that contains uranium is not a health concern.

How do I know if my Connecticut well contains Uranium?

The only way to know if you have elevated levels of uranium in your drinking water is to test for it. Private well owners should have their well war testing by a water testing professional.

What can I do if uranium is found in my drinking water?

In the short-term, levels that moderately exceed the guideline are unlikely to have an effect on health. However, in the event that testing shows ongoing elevated levels of uranium, there are several options available:

  • switch to an alternate source of water;
  • treat the water in your well to reduce uranium levels; or
  • if no other options are available, use bottled water for drinking and food preparation.

Residential Methods for Removing Uranium from Drinking Water

Drinking water treatment devices can be used to remove specific contaminants, such as uranium, from drinking water. There are drinking water treatment devices available to reduce the levels of uranium in drinking water to levels below the guideline level of 0.02 mg/L. A water treatment professional should be consulted for advice on your particular situation. He or she will also be able to provide you with an accurate cost of the available systems, as well as installation and maintenance costs, based on your specific water test results.

Do I need to test my Connecticut water before choosing a treatment device?

Before a treatment device is selected, the water should be tested by a professional to determine water chemistry and to verify the concentration of uranium.  This information will help in the selection of the most appropriate treatment method, and also help determine if a pre-filter or other pre-treatment is needed.


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